Dear Dr Pene: My best friend is putting pressure on our marriage
Dr Pene |
What do you do when life seems to be running a bit low on happiness and high on drudgery? When you suddenly realise that your life has been hijacked by the demands of others’? When self-neglect has become a habit that you just can’t seem to break? Well the answer is quite simple. It’s a great opportunity to view it as a wake-up call and make a plan to change it. So, if there was ever a time when a little bit of selfishness could be helpful, it is now. Exhaustion and stress can affect not only your outlook on life, but also your mood. But before we jump ahead, let’s take a moment to examine how this dynamic might have developed for you all in the first place.
There are many pathways into situations like this, but for you it seems to be, what Psychologists refer to as a “crisis-driven habit”. If we unpack what happened when your friend was unwell, it sounds like you responded by immediately “dropping everything”. This kind of response is common and appropriate when we are faced with a “crisis” situation. We tend to give more. Do more than our fair share. And step up to the plate, putting the needs of others’ before our own. This is what psychologists refer to as “crisis-mode behaviour”.
Crisis-mode behaviour is very healthy and helpful during challenging times - such as when your friend had her health problems. But if we continue to use these kinds of self-sacrificing behaviours beyond the crisis, problems can occur. By its very nature crisis-mode behaviour is energy depleting. So, it is not surprising that you and your husband are both feeling exhausted.
During times of crisis, we know that roles can change, and so too can expectations. In the case of your friend, it seems that you and your husband stepped into a “carer” type role. Cooking for her, driving her to appointments, walking her dog etc. From what you describe, you’re still continuing to do this (or some of it), despite the fact that she is fully recovered and otherwise well.
So the big question is - why is this happening? Well quite often, it can be really difficult for us to extract ourselves from crisis mode dynamics once the crisis has actually passed. While you clearly want to support your friend, it is also essential that you move away from crisis-mode and start re-prioritising your own life. Without making significant changes, things won’t get any better. In fact, it’s highly likely they will only get worse.
It’s certainly clear that you will struggle to sustain your current level of “giving” for much longer, both physically and psychologically. If you believe this pattern is unable to be changed, I would encourage you to examine why this might be the case. What are the emotional blocks and beliefs that might be stopping you here? Are you perhaps both people pleasers by nature? Ultimately, only you and your husband can decide on how much support you can both give to your friend without risking your own health and wellbeing.
Lastly, your exhaustion level and feeling as though you don’t get any “me” time, or time together with your husband, is being shaped by two simple things - what you are saying “yes” to and what you are saying “no” to. Once you are clear about how much time and support you have available for your friend, you will be half way there. Setting better boundaries so that you can make room for rest, relaxation and, ultimately getting back to living your own life again is key to positive change. Communicating with your lifelong friend in an honest, authentic and assertive way is what is crucial here to protect your relationship. I’ve written some example scripts of what you could say below (see below “Here’s what you could say…”).
When we notice that we’re neglecting our own self-care or wellbeing, it can be a clue to stop and do a bit of a life audit. This pattern often appears simply because there is a discrepancy between the demands that are placed upon us and the resources that we have available to meet them. So examine how well your current resources (both emotional and physical) and your demands are matching up. All of this will help you to make a plan whereby your own needs and wants are also considered. Research shows that people who set goals, make a plan, and regularly review their progress will have the most success. So I’d also encourage you and your husband to do this.
Dear Dr Pene is for informational purposes only, does not constitute medical or psychological advice, and is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, psychologist, mental-health professional, or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or psychological condition.